Let’s keep it real. You're broke. The idea of a “budget” at this point in your life is almost laughable. And yet, for every event you still manage to come, fab it up, and leave. Everyone says you have to pay to slay - or do you? Thankfully, I’ve found a few quick and easy ways to save your money - and your reputation. 1) Stop & Reassess Okay, first things first: it’s time to reassess your closet. And I mean, really dig deep. This is the perfect occasion to seek out all the pieces you neglect on purpose and show them some love. It can be so easy to mix and match old styles with what’s in now. Not only will this allow you to create all new outfits you never even thought of, it’s the easiest way to build off of what you already have. You’ll be surprised how much time (and money) you can save. Now take a deep breath, and get back in there. 2) Keep it Simple Let’s not make this any more complicated than it has to be, okay? Sometimes you need to stick to the basics. Sure, nobody likes to be described as “basic” however there are a lot of respectable brands that carry plain items at low prices, which are great for layering and accessorizing. No one will ever know what you spent – unless you find a deal too good to share. Any accessories you have on hand will also come in handy, and in this case, being extra can actually be a good thing. It also helps that items such as belts, scarves, and fashion jewelry are so cheap so picking something up on a whim isn’t as stressful as trying to put together a whole new outfit with 24 hours notice. 3. Work the System, Don’t let the System Work You! You work hard for your money so why not make the most of it? It’s always a good idea to sign up for money-saving apps or rewards programs – but only when they’re free and you can dodge going in to debt with another company credit card. Not only is it smart to capitalize on sales the upside to today’s economy is almost every store in the mall is willing to offer you a deal any day of the week so if you don’t pre-plan don’t panic. And while I know those messy clearance sections can be hell to dig through, you can find some real gems if you take the time to look. Some stores will allow you to save even more money by using coupons on top of the sales prices, and take it from someone who used to work for one of the top retailers in the country, not everything in the clearance section is old and ugly. Still, I know junk email can be annoying (or tempting depending on how you look at it), but if you’re going to spend the money, anyway, you might as well be rewarded for it. Take them for every damn crop top they got. If you’re ahead of the game and have already signed up for all the perks at your favorite stores, then make sure to go back and study what programs you are a part of in order to find the quickest way to capitalize. Also remember, just because something that caught your eye is too expensive there are plenty of ways to still get current, quality styles without paying full price.